March 8, 2023

"Who(se) You Are...."  


Recently I read an article about a challenge a father had for his kids to put up photographs in their homes that showed who they were and not just what they looked like. We all have photographs that show what we look like. Some of them we hide because we can’t believe we looked like that. Others we showcase because quite frankly we like how we look. 


When I had finished the article, I knew exactly what photograph would prominently display who I am. Most often our truest selves come out when we pause. This concept isn’t new. I had a doctor tell me recently that I needed to spend some time discovering who my true self really was and discover who God was making me be. Do you know who God is making you be? More importantly, are you allowing Him to define you and shape you? 


It’s great to know who you are, but do you know whose you are? 


Scripture tells us in Psalms that we are His workmanship. We are fearfully and wonderfully made. We proclaim this over our children from the moment they are born, yet what happens to us reminds us that we too are still wonderfully and fearfully made. All too often, we let this world and its titles define who we are and we let the world shape and mold us. We forget whose we are and if we are called to like Christ, then why would ever allow ourselves to forget whose we are?  


“Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.” John 1:12


I know who I am. Yet, the journey of remembrance of whose I am continues as each day brings new mercies and His grace. 


Do you know whose you are? ​​​​​


